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tv   ABC 7 News  KOFY  September 15, 2010 10:30am-11:00am PST

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♪ >> just hours from now governor schwarzenegger will tour the neighborhood devastated by explosion and fire. >> incredibl heroics. six women rescued close to the site when their caretakers abandoned them. >> right here in that brown house behind me is where six women in their 80s and 90s lived. when te fireball shot into the sky and the fire started headg towards their home, burnin into their backward, one caretaker made a dash for it. another was immobilized by fear
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help came in the form of total strangers. >> sounded le the world was ending above the tree line up there while my dad and i were in our backyard. and it was just natural insnct to run up there and see what happened. >> so boy and his dad bob and a man t seen before named frank descended on vermont way to see who needed help. quite literally they stumbl into the home. >> i got one lady. we kind of walked down the hallway and saw another and another and one by one we just grabbed them and brought them out. >> but there s one woman still in the house, mary sweeney. her son ken found out about the heroism later, hours later. >> those a few hours not knowing whether she was alive or dead. >> my dad said let's go back and check one last time and make sure we got everydy in this row of houses. he went in and found her and then came and yelled for me to help him because she was -- she
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was probably the most immobil of all of t six that we got. we lifted her up and all three of us, my dad frank and i, out of her bed and put her in a wheelchair, wheeled her out as far as we could and the heat was so hot we lifted he up and threw her into our car. >> the three heroes didn't know mary sweeney has a great deal of trouble breathing and it wasn't just fire that could have killed her. >> smoke inlation could have likely kille my mom. >> so there is the positive sto for the day. but, of coue, we have the tragic stories as well and here comes some of them. take a look now at the pictures from a short time ago, people being allowed ba into their red-tagged homes because they have been deemed to be uninhabitable. people allowed to go back in and see what had been ho sweet home just six days ago. meantime the ntsb is expanding its investigation, contiing today into gas control station in the bay area. they were milpitas yesterday
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making sure that peopl in these gas controltations are trained and the equipment isworking properly. >> we want to get excruciating detail how the system works, how well the people are trained to work it, their background and experience, all aspects what happened day. we'll be doing an exhaustiv look at the details regarding that station. >> also the piece of pipe that ruptured is in washington d.c. now. and that is where inspectors are going over with a fine toothed comb tryingo figure out if it gave way gradually over the years or if something sudd and traumatic hit it all at once causing that blast. they're also looking into reports from people out here that they had smelled gas for days or even eks leading up to that blast. well, we are heari from the ntsb that they have checked the e-mls going into pg&e. there was actually one report weeks before the blast, someone smelling gas out here and pg&e did respond to that. as far as phone calls to pg&e, that is going to be part of the
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investigation and ntsb investigators say they're gog to be out here for probably anoth week. live in s bruno, terry mcsweeney, abc 7 news. >> terry, thanks a lot for that incredible rescue story but not everybody was so fortunate. in decisi to the four killed in the blast eight othe are stillin two bay area hospital being treate for burns. four of the patients are listed as critical, three serious and one is in fair condition. they're at least all stable and showing signs of recovering. >> the obama administration is now seeking tighter oversight of the natn's pipelines as stronger penalts for violations of the pipeline safety rules transportation secretaryay la hood submitted the legislation to congress following the san bruno blast and several other pipeline accidents. meantime east bay congressman requested congress hold a hearing on the disast in san bruno. >> we need to sort out the relatiohip, the role of the federal government in this, the
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relationship with the state governments and the utilities. and urbanation over and around existing pipelines. these things need to be sorted out. we need to have the appropriate regulations in place. >> he says one of the most at risk pilines is in livermore which is in part of his district. >> craigslist officials are finally breaking their silence this morning on why they suddenly decided to remove their adult services sectn after spending months defending themselves against accusations that their website contributes to child prostitution worldwide. as they're breaking the silence in a very public forum. jenel wang joins us now with the latest on a capitol hill heari going on right now. >> this hearing on sex trafficking is goi into its seconhour. a house judiciary committee wants to know if onle services play a rol in the slavery of miners. they're listeng to
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congressional leaders. they're listening to testimony from human rights organizations and of course craigslist. they accused the website of allowing ads that could lead to sex violence. earlier this month the san francisco based website company shut down the section but posted the wo sensored over the link after feeling the pressure. today more criticism is coming. >> today perpetrators hide behind their personal couters and have a chilat their doorsp with the click of a button. between 2004 and 2008, child sex trafficking mplaints originang from the internet actually grew by 1,000%. >> it was representative jackie spear. most of the ads placed on craigslist but the adult adds cost10 apiec last year a boston medical student killed a massee he
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contacted through the website. police say he patrolled craigslist hiring hookers and then robbing them. even though crailist has removed the adult section on its domestic sites, the erot sections remain open on craigslist sites in 250 other cities around the world. people will just post illegal ads on other venues. craigslist is expected to speak in the nest hour. the company says it has tens of millions of users and only a tiny number use it for illegal activity and there's no way to prevent that completely. >> american hiker sarah surd is scheduled to get a physical exam of what may be a precancerous condition. she was released partially because of her health after spending more than a year in an iranian prison for illegally entering the country. the mothers of her two companions hope their sons will be freed soon as well.
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>> sarah shourd is fr but insists par of her heart remains back in iran behind bars with her two companions. >> all ofy efforts starting today are going too into helping procure the same freedom for my fiancee shane bau and for my friend josh patal because i can' enjoy my freedom without you. >> it was a joyous reunion between short and her family. after more than a year of solitar consignment in iran's most notorious prison. for josh and other families it was mixed emotions. >> i was very happy for sarah and her mom. it's become a great family. but very sad that shane wasn't going to be coming with her. the thing that struck me is shane and sarah are engaged to be married. how hard must it have been for them to separate. >> tehran's prosutor announced the two men would be charged for espionage. sarah knows what she says and
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does could affect their fate. >> my commment to truth will not change and i will never say anything but truth to media and i will not succumb to any pressure. >> aews week reporter held last year knows all too well the pressure sarah is under. >> you can see the fear in her eyes. you can see that people are forced to lie in order to survive. >> u.s. state department has challenged iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad to bring the hikers to new yo when he addresses the united nations next week. >> new details are coming out about the half million dollars bail paid to iran for sara shourd's release. tehran's chief prosutor says the amount will arrive later next week after the end of raman. he's calling for all three hikers to be put on trial soon. a foreign individual id the bail. >> san franciscoolice have two
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suspects in custody following a fatal shooting at a bayview district home. it happened lateast night. a man who answered the front door of the house near rangen street was shot and killed and another person inde was assaulted. >> coming up, it's a party for the tea party. we'll have a lo at some surprising upsets in la night's primaries. >> later "good morning america" doctor has tips how to keep your doctor has tips how to keep your k
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as governor, he cut waste go rid of the mansion and the limo budgets were balced. $4 billion in tax cuts. world class schools and universities. clean energy promoted. 1.9 million new jobs creat. california was working. i'm jerry own. california needs major changes. we have to live within our mean we have to return power and decision ming to the local level-closer to the people and no new taxes without voter approval. jerry brn the knowledge and know-how to get california working again.
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this morning tea party supporrs are celebrating upset victories in several states that held primary elections yesterday. they knocked back candidates by the mainstream republican parties and that's partly why they're smiling. >> the tea party is boiling over. in delaware where christi o'donnell breezed past long-time congressman mike castle with the backing of a a party favorite. >> thank you, governor palin for your endorsement. >> crushed former congressman rick lazio on a campaign fueled large by anger. >> if we learned anything tonight is that new yorkers are mad as hell. >> in key racers the full backing of t republican party >> most of the uprisin that we've seen th far we've seen in primaries. >> a party that in o'donnell's race and others finds itself backing candidas today that it
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opposed just yesterday. >> if they were by some miracle to be our nominee, we would lose the seat and lose by unprecedented numbers. >> it's all left the gop very much divided. >> i was ahead in the general election before this republican ballism started. so they were serious abo winning, we could repair the damage done and moved forward. >> it was a rough year to be an incumbent in any party. just ask washington d.c. mayor defeated by vincent gray. it wasn't all bad news for the establishment. picked ehrlich ove his tea party rival and charlie rangel was easil renominated despite a cloud of ethics charges. even with a surge in republican voter turnout, also celebrating their candidates are likely to fair much better against tea party rival. john hendron, washington. >> latethis morning another candidate backed by sarah pan and the tea party appears to
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have won her primary. kellie iyote has been certied the winner of the new hampshire senate race although a recount is possible. >> a warm cup of tea sounds pretty good. >> some areas cloudy, cool but the sunshine is out. i'll show you where it's going to be hot her today. still flight arrval delays into sfo, also, and one last item, the rain this weekend. i'll have an update. >> mike, thank you very much. and decoding the dna of chocolate. why the candy maker behind the why the candy maker behind the project thinks [ female announcer ] at&t makes it easy to choose the services that fit your life. o doesn't want more choices? i like choes. you can even choose wir. not with my cable compan well, it's time to swih. check this out. [ female announcer ]all to choose your double bundle, including verse tv, starting under $69 a month. itch now and get a 30-day money-back guarantee -- plus dvr is included. with u-verse tv you can record upo four shows at once from any room on aingle dvr...
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♪ right, yes, my dear. >> glanced over my shoulder and saw clouds ou is there. >> and you say it was going to take a while to clear. >> most of the valleys are clear but that finger fog moving throug the golden gate. that's where the fog is. coolest weather south beach northbnd through downtown san francisco. one of the areas still pretty socked in with clouds. any other place we wanna show ya? yeah, there you go, sausalito, tiburon, all those areas are now clear. all right. let's take a look at a different perspective. you can see where the clouds are on our visible satellite still punching through san frcisco towards oakland through hercules. a lite hanging around san
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pablo bay and half moon bay. the temperatures, look at antioch, 73 degrees. sunny there. seeing sunshine around redwood city nd fremont southward with low to mid-60s. sunshine santa rosa, 60. where the clds are, mido upper 50s. monterey, watsonville, salinas. i think we'll see afternoon sunshine everywre except the coast. going to be a lot harder. it will be slightly warmer today. also more clouds will start to roll in friday. that will begin our cooling process that will las through the weekd and the cold front will bring us a chance of rain. the most likely area of mearable rain will be along the coast and into the north bay on saturday. for today on this wednesday, let's have mid to upper 70s with sunshin the south bay, 76 san jose. on the peninsula a mostly sunny sky and clouds more likely north towards millbrae, 70 there. low to mid-70s everywhere else. slive of sunshine here and there along the coast, near 60. downto south san francisco, pockets of sunshine, mid-60.
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80 santa rosa. beaches upper 50s. cloud cover lingering longer richmond, berkeley and oakland, mido upper 60s there. low to mid-70s with sunshine san leandro eastward into castro valley. sunshine will dominate the east valleys with low 80s. morgan hill, gilroy the same thing. see sunshine and low 70s, sti pretty cloudy monter and carmel. got a game tonight. those dodgers. what are they doing to us? we need to win tonight, keep pace with the padr. patchy fog, a little breezy. kind of a raw game. 62 degrees droing to 59. clouds will overspread most of our neighborhoods again tonight with the coolest weather in the north bay, low 50s there, mid to upper 50s for the rest of us. a look upstairs. still tracking our area of low pressure. our weekend weather maker hanging out to the west as this warmer, drier ridge hds on today and tomorrow. as we head to friday, the clouds
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start to roll in, the sea breeze returns. the cooler weather arris and the cold front itself will start to roll in friday night and into saturday. in fact, he we are for thursday. friday rning into friday evening, dry. by saturday morning some light rain developing in the north bay. that's where it will stay for the most part saturday and also along the coast. could have measurable rain at the higher elevations, quarter to a half inch. notice the temperatures across the board saturday and sunday will be about 2 degrees cooler at the coast to about 8 to 10 degrees cooler around the bay and inland. once that system passes, we'll see more sunshine and a warming trend for monday and tuesday. >> thanks, mike. >> you bet. >> parents won't want to miss "good rning america" tomorrow morning. senior medical corrpondent dr. bester has tips how to keep your kidshealthy as they go back to school. tomorrow he will walk through a gym where germs can hide from athles thought to staph infection called mersa. >> i think there are really
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important things that you can do to reduce the likelihood of mersa. important one is don't share towels. the scho needs to have a policy ere skin is being inspected. it's common for athletes to get turf burns for playing on astro turf. even on grass you can get abrasions of the skin. that allow bacteria to get in. >> bester says parents should be on the lookout for clinical depression in their teens. the symptoms include major changes in sleeping habits, eati habits and overwhelming sadness even when doing thins they formerly enjoy. >> some sweet science news. researchs have releas a near complete dna map of the tree tha produces chocolate. the map was funded by candy maker mars. the company says it hopes the results could lead to future generations of trees that are morrow bust, higher yielding and resistant to dr and disease. mars will have spent $10 million on the project by the time it's complete. and if that's true, get better
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trees, hopully the prices will come downer chocolate. >> if they need tasters, are you willing to do that >> totally volunteering. >> a twist for tweeters. the makeover for i know. i know i ed to quit this. - well, how about... - that smokers' helpline? yeah, they can give me a p. - help mthrough the rough spots. - so you're readto... quit? veryone wants me to quit-- my doctor, my wife, the dog. - not good for the dog. - anyo else? hmm? what? anyone else nt you to quit? me! i want me to quit. tdd# 800-933-43 - ( rings ) - woman: smokers' helplin oh, hi, it's me.
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(saking in international language) and he said unto them go ye to all of the world and preachhe gospel each the gospel ♪ ery creature in the world. (applause)
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>> today on oprah at 4:00, returning to a town that erupted with fear when a patient jumped into a pool 20 years ago. repairless that never took place. a utility watchdog group is o with seriou charges. that story and more coming up at 5:00. >> twitter users may notice a
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big change designed to make it easier to check out photos and video. >> two panes, the left side with familiar timeine with tweets you follow, the right side photos, maps and user profile. twitter hopes you'll spend more time on the site with these changes. hasn't happened yet. >> bute'll see. thanks for joining us. >> yes.
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